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Formula to determine under which Header Label a specific value is found

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    Valued Forum Contributor ron2k_1's Avatar
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    Formula to determine under which Header Label a specific value is found

    Kindly look at the attached.

    I want to use a formula to determine what I have on column C, but with a standard formula I can simply drag down without having to change the reference for each section. The different General Ledgers (GL) are moved within headers regularly and I have to be determining under which header each GL belongs to. Note that no one GL will appear in more than 1 section, and note as well that there may be A general section header and then a subsection which is where the GLs will be listed. I want the subsection header (or the header label that is right before the first number is shown).

    Is there a formula you guys can think about. I can't think of any...
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    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato and pepper are fruits. Wisdom is knowing whether to put these in a fruit salad


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    [3] Thank (using the little scale) those that provided useful help; its nice and its very well appreciated

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