I have 3 visible and 1 hidden column,
The first column is the name of the location. There will be multiple entries of one location and multiple locations listed in this column.
The second column is a place holder for a link to view file for the location in column A.
The third column is for entering comments
The forth and hidden column is formatted to generate unique random numbers.
My goal is to achieve the following: For every location in column A(First Column) pick the 5 lowest numbers from Column G(fourth column) as long as the word view is in column B(second Column) and highlight the appropiate cell in column C(third Column).
So in result I should have 5 cells highlighted in column C for every location in column A.
I am including an example of my spread sheet... I am also coloring cells in Column C so you can get an Idea of what I want the end result to be.