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Help needed to revise a formula

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    Help needed to revise a formula


    In need of some help to alter a formula in a sports (cricket) results template and I am not skilled enough to do it myself.

    I am using a spreadsheet to update a league table which was produced by someone else several years ago.
    Everything worked fine for the last couple of seasons, but there has been a rule change which affects the awarding of points.

    Previously, 12 points were awarded for winning a game (W) plus any batting or bowling bonus points earned (up to a maximum of 4 each) to make a maximum total of 20 possible for winning the match.

    Now winning sides automatically earn 20 points, irrespective of the number of bonus points they might have earned.

    What I want my formula to include is IF RESULT = W THEN BAT PTS MUST = 0 AND BOWL PTS MUST = 0.

    Therefore, the spreadsheet will award 20 result points and no bonus points, whereas currently it is awarding 20 result points plus bonus points. I have found the formulae to change the 12 to 20.

    Hope someone can help me out!
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