I am dealing with a large amount of data that comes to me in a specific format from my instrument. Without too many details, I am writing a spreadsheet that I can copy and paste the data (directly from the instrument) into and automatically perform an analysis of variance.

The data from the instrument is formatted in vertical columns, with each column being a different set and ~200 sets of data per run (the entire run is pasted into my sheet). In another sheet, where the ANOVA is being performed, each ANOVA has a cell next to it which is set equal to one of the cells across the row identifying each column of data. I am then using this cell for the LOOKUP function to pull the data into the ANOVA. For only one of the columns, every lookup returns an #N/A error. It is the same column regardless of the order (A-Z or not). If I remove the space in the middle of the column name, it then pulls the values correctly. However, every other column has a space in the middle of its name and they work. It isn't efficient for me to have to change the name of this column for each run. Does anyone have any idea why this lookup won't work (I can paste some dummy data if need be)?

I appreciate any help.