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Opinions on How to Model This Data?

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    Exclamation Opinions on How to Model This Data?

    Hello everyone,

    I was wondering if someone might be able to provide me with some ideas on what the best way to model and graph some data that I have gathered would be.

    I have about 200 paper survey responses that I have collected and now need to place into an excel document to make the collected data neat and easy to read/decipher. I have a total of 8 question categories with 5-8 individual questions in each category. The answers to those questions were collected by having users circle a number 1-5. This would be the easy part to model, if all I needed to worry about were the amount of people who selected a certain option for each question.However, I also have demographic information that I need to add into the spread sheet.

    Some questions in the demographic info are: Gender, year in school, income source, income level, home province, etc. I need to be able to show the response selections to each question in each category in relation to demographic information. In other words, if a female who lives in Beijing , who is in their 2nd year in school, who has an income level of 200,000 RMB/year answered a 1,2...or 5 for each question in each category I need to be able to show this in the spread sheet and make a graph showing the response selection for each question based on that persons' demographic information.

    I am at a loss of what the best way to show this would be. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could go about doing this?

    Thank you very much for your help!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Excel 2013

    Re: Opinions on How to Model This Data?

    I'd use the database functions for this - DCOUNT, DBASE, DAVERAGE etc

    • place your raw data in a single worksheet with each row representing a new entry and each column headed by a unique label representing one question (eg "gender", "question 1")
    • apply a range name such as "dbase" to the data in this sheet (including the headings row)
    • in a separate sheet in the same workbook, set up tables using the unique question names to extract the data you want.

    The attached spreadsheet should give you some ideas to get you started
    Attached Files Attached Files

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