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Add highest values with the same basis

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    Add highest values with the same basis

    Dear all,

    I have a very delicious issue! Please see attached Excel screenshot. I need to find the two highest values, but that would be too easy at this stage. Insofar, I need to find the two highest values with the same basis. Here is the difference, what I mean:

    The two highest values are: 35.00 (Porsche) and 40.00 (Audi) = Result 75.00 – but this is not what I am looking for…
    The two highest values with the same basis: 40.00 (Audi) and 30.00 (Audi) = Result 70.00 – this is what I want…!!!

    Now, to make the issue a little bit more difficult, it is not permitted to use an additional column for extra calculations, nor to use the words "Porsche", "Audi", etc. (because these parameters are finally unknown).

    So it should be a pure formula, e.g. =SUMPRODUCT(LARGE(B2:B11;ROW(1:2))*1)BUT(WITH SAME BASIS AS IN COLUMN A)

    Many thanks for your efforts on this.

    Best regards,
    FixandFoxi (yes, I am)
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