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Need help on Logic to make formula work correctly

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    Need help on Logic to make formula work correctly

    Might be a little long, but I will try to fully explain the issue.

    The Basics:
    I am trying to figure out how to get a formula to work out the correct $ amount for each of the 4 allocations of a annual budget. Some of these allocations are charged back to the corporate offices and not back to the lines of business (LOBs). I have calculated the Budget for each lease on a lease by lease basis and then have taken that sheet and tried to spread it by each leases allocation to the LOBs.

    The "Final Budget by Lease #" TAB:
    (A - K) - The basic lease info
    (L) - One - time charges is a monthly average of MISC charges from the "One Time" TAB
    (M - Z) - Sums up the monthly rents and adds the one-times
    (AJ) - is the % of the lease that will be charged back to Corp
    (AK) - is the total budget less: the chargeback to CORP or the final LOB responsiblility

    The next section are totals from each of the time stamps to track changes as we go through the budget process
    (AU) - I fix the file and get it ready for all to look at - then Freeze the values (BASE NUMBERS)
    (AW) - I figure out what gets charged back to CORP, then freeze again (Where I need the HELP! explained later)
    (AY) - Discuss with the PMs about anticipated renewals, relocation and such that will effect rents - Then Freeze again
    (BA) - Discuss those results with the LOB heads and they either grant those changes or not or add their own - Then Freeze again!
    (BC) - Final budget numbers to be submitted to CORP Finance

    The "Final Budget by Allocation" TAB:
    Same as above as most of this is pulled from the "by Lease #" sheet and spread based on the allocation for each lease. So most of this is vlookups

    So here's the issue:
    If we look at L1493 it has a rent of $100K and 4 allocation, of which, one is charged back (Column L of the "Allocations" Tab
    Column AU on the "by Allocations" Tab is correct - Split 25% to each or $25K
    Now, my look up formula, simply looks for the File ID in the "by Lease#" tab and brings back the number in that column then multiplies by the allocation
    The issue is column AW
    Since 25% of the space is charged back to Corp these numbers should be

    But my formula is simply taking the $75,000 from column AK on the "by Lease #" Tab and then multiplying by the allocation. I know i could start with an IF(AJ>0,do this,else do that) but I need something that works with both the chargeback pieces and the non-chargeback pieces.

    I have a macro that updates the entire work book after changes are made. This grabs column A of the allocation list, plops it over column A of the "by Allocation" Tab then takes row 2 (B thru BC) and copies down. It also does alot of other clean up stuff with summary sheets and the like that have been removed.

    My brain hurts! If you need further information, just ask! I will do my best to answer! Thanks for the help!

    Also, if you see anything that could be done better or more efficiently, I'm all ears!
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