I have a 2,000 row/130 columns spreadsheet that amongst other data shows Total Price and Margin % for 5 marketplaces we sell on:

- Column EJ i have Marketplace 1 Price
- Column EK i have Marketplace 1 Margin %

- Column EL i have Marketplace 2 Price
- Column EM i have Marketplace 2 Margin %

- Column EN i have Marketplace 3 Price
- Column EO i have Marketplace 3 Margin %

- Column EP i have Marketplace 4 Price
- Column EQ i have Marketplace 4 Margin %

- Column ER i have Marketplace 5 Price
- Column ES i have Marketplace 5 Margin %

- Column ET i have Marketplace 6 Price
- Column EU i have Marketplace 6 Margin %

How can I (IN EACH ROW, which represents a unique product SKU) highlight the cell that has the highest Price & the Lowest Price?
I also need the same for the Margin columns.

Thank you in advance!