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Conditional Format

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    Conditional Format

    I have a simple spreadsheet and am trying to get rows or cell (which ever one is easier but prefer row) to highlight Red, Yellow, and Green.

    When the date in F3 is within Equal to or less than 50 days from H3 I want the row or cell F3 to turn red
    When the date in F3 is within Equal to or less than 51-60 days from H3 I want the row or cell F3 to turn Yellow
    When the date in F3 is within Equal to or less than 61 or more days from H3 I want the row or cell F3 to stay green

    On a different topic. The days the reports are due are different from Foreman and Superintendent. Is it possible to automatically adjust the formula I have in Column F & G?

    When I select Foreman, I want the formula in column F to be =H3-50 and G to be =H3-40
    When I select Superintendent, I want the formula in column F to be =H3-55 and G to be =H3-45

    The most important part right now is the conditional, I appreciate any help. Thank you
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