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Circular Referencing Involving Dates

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    Circular Referencing Involving Dates

    2.xlsm2.xlsmI am working on creating a model for loans and this is the last formula I have to figure out. I attached the spreadsheet with everything deleted except for what I need help with.

    Columns G and H display the start and end of my company's fiscal periods. When a date is typed into column A I need that date to be interjected into columns g and h to seperate a period into two new periods.

    So say I have three periods:
    G H
    5/26/06 6/22/06
    6/23/06 7/27/06
    7/28/06 8/31/06

    And then in column A I have dates 6/13, 6/15, 8/08 I would need it to look like:
    G H
    5/26/06 6/12/06
    6/13/06 6/14/06
    6/15/06 6/22/06
    6/23/06 7/27/06
    7/28/06 8/07/06
    8/08/06 8/31/06

    I posted this in another forum ( and didn't get any response. Since then I have made some progress but I am still having two main issues. If two of the dates inputed into column A are in the same fiscal month only the first will appear in columns G and H. When a date from column A creates a new period the previous period groups together to combine the previous fiscal month and the next fiscal month up to the date inserted from column A.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
    Last edited by brittany475; 07-17-2012 at 01:01 PM.

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