I would very much appreciate some help in some complex chart plotting. I'm assuming that what I am trying to do is a sort of waterfall bridge chart.

I don't need any axes displayed - all figures will gon on the columns themselves.

Column 1: Standard Working Hours - 4631.82
Column 2 (from bottom to top): Holiday - 638.25, Sickness - 112.50, Standard Time On-Site - 3881.07, Overtime - 725.50.
Column 3: Available Working Hours - 4606.57
Column 4 (from bottom to top): Bookings - 3073.09, Unaccounted Time - 1533.48.

Column 1 starts where column 2's 'Holiday' entry starts, and ends where 'Standard Time On-Site' finishes.

Column 3 starts where column 2's 'Standard Time On-Site' starts, ending where column 2's 'Overtime' ends.

Column 4 starts as column 3, and ends at column 2's 'Standard Time On-Site' ends.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks to you all.