Hi I am struggling to come up with a solution as to how to create dynamic charts for the set of data I have. I am neww to creating pivot tables, dynamic chart and names ranges. Here is the set if data I have.
ABC_Sheet_No AP1 Date Raised YEAR ABC_Raised Responded Closed Engine ACR
002 AP1 12/01/2012 2012 Y Y N 21001 91A
003 AP1 12/01/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 91A
34 AP1 20/01/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 43A
63 AP2 15/02/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 41A
65 AP2 16/02/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 41B
73 AP2 20/02/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 41A
86 AP2 22/02/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 44A
88 AP2 22/02/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 41A
89 AP2 22/02/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 41A
90 AP2 23/02/2012 2012 Y Y Y 21001 41A
this has got several other columns but I only included few here. I am trying to create a dyamic chart that shows no. of ABC's raised,responded, closed by ACR and in a monthly, weekly or yearly basis. I want a chart that has the option to show the chart by clicking the ACR no or by weekly,monthly, yearly basis etc. SO by selecting an option button for each(ACR no or by date) the charts has to change accordingly. Please help. I am badly in need of solutions for this. I am struggling
THanks in anticipation