Hi there,

i am creating a tracking spreadsheet for service calls that come in & how the calls are dealt with. I am very new to Excel & this Forum, so apologies if things are not written very clearly. I tried to post these questions on the VBA wall yesterday but I didn't get any response.

I have a couple of issues before it can be finalised - please help, even if it is only with one of the issues!

Issue 1:
W3 has a drop down list of actions. E3 must change colour depending on the action selected. There are 2 variations. If "quotation required, invoice, order parts or awaiting parts" are selected then E3 must turn red. If there is a blank field or "completed" is selected, then E3 should have no fill other than the original backgroud shading. At the moment, the whole column is showing red because I have not included the exception for a blank field (the code I have used is: =$W$3<>"Complete")

Issue 2:
C3 logs the time the call came in
S3 logs the time the call was allocated to an engineerService Calls Tracking Report.xlsm
T3 should calculate the difference in time between C3 and S3 and display it in hours (under 24hours) and days (over 24hours) - it does not currently do this
M3 gives the call a priority (1, 2, 3 and When That Way) - these are colour coded
O3 gives a timeframe to the priority (4hours, 8hours, 24hours and 7days) - although I don't think this is formatted correctly

I want T3 to go red if the timeframe has exceeded that denoted by the priority.

Hopefully that makes sense!!

