Hi, If you enter a number in Excel which is halfway like 8.5 and then select Format - Number - 0 Decimal Places, the number becomes 9. My question is about if there is a way to round this number down. For example, 8.

I know the Rounddown and Roundup functions exist and how to use Rounddown to make this happen. Is there an option in Excel where you can just format the cells instead? Perhaps using Custom instead of Number might do something? Is there something in Tools then Options which will do this?

If there isn't, is there a way you can make this happen in one cell instead of needing Rounddown to reference another cell? For instance, at the moment I have 8.5 in one cell and then 8 in another cell using Rounddown whereas with Format - Number, I type in 8.5 and that cells automatically becomes 9 in the one cell. Any help would be great. Thanks.