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Conditional Formatting Across Rows

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    Conditional Formatting Across Rows

    I'm trying to create a sheet that will highlight the highest & lowest value in a row. I have 100 rows with 40 columns. Every odd column is to contain a monetary value and every even column is to contain a rank of the monetary value with the lowest being rank 1 and the highest being rank 20.

    I would like a conditional format that will highlight the highest value (red) and the lowest value (green) in the odd columns of each row.
    (e.g. highlight the highest value per row, ignoring my rank columns inbetween)

    I can get it to do this by selecting each cell on each row along each odd column and setting a top or bottom 1 Conditional Format. I just do want to have to set this 100 times (a total of 200 Conditional formats).

    Does anyone know of a way to either copy the conditional formats so that they repeat by rows (it will repeat by columns if I try the copy + paste formatting function) or is there a one size fits all approach for the range? (e.g. two conditional formats in total that will highlight the highest & lowest values per row ignoring the rank formula columns)

    Last edited by Maxymous; 10-22-2012 at 03:16 AM.

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