Hi. Sorry if there's a similar post, if there is I've not found it.

I want to use a Vlookup formula. It's working inconsistently and I don't know why.

I have a stock sheet with part numbers, and a price list with those numbers.

As the prices change, I'd like to use a Vlookup formula to keep prices updated.

I have named the range of the price list, the first three columns which show part number, description and price.

In the stock sheet, there are multiple part numbers but in the Vlookup formula I have shown the column I want to use for the comparison.

They are respectively sheet one and sheet 2 in the same workbook.

The formula =VLOOKUP(D11,Bear,3,FALSE) is returning answers only where the part number is a number. where the part number is alpha numeric, ie BR 0916, it returns a Value Not Available error.
Although there is a (very annoying) space in the part number, the two columns match in format.

Can anyone help explain why the alpha numeric part numbers aren't being read?

