Using a range of dates to place one date in a cell
Happy Holidays Y'all! I am working on an spreadsheet using MS Excel 2007. One thing that I want to accomplish is the following:
Use a range of dates to specify an exact date, of which I want the computer to automatically fill in for me in one field based on a date that I enter in a different field.

For example, if I type in 11/16/2012 in cell A1, then I want cell A2 to show this date 11/30/2012. Why? Because I want the computer to recognize that if any of these dates 11/16/2012 through 11/30/2012 are typed into cell A1, then A2 needs to show 11/30/2012. If in cell A1, I type 12/02/2012, then I want cell A2 to show 12/15/2012 because dates 12/01/2012 through 12/15/2012 in A1 need to show 12/15/2012 in A2.

Thanks in advance for your help. Also, this is my first time using Excel Forum.