Hello everyone,

I am new here and quite the idiot with excel it seems.
I have been looking for months now and trying to figure out how to match one cell against multiple columns.
I have numbers in columns a through cc and cannot put them in descending order.
I am using this formula =match(CF1,A10:A1008,0)
I have to use a new cell and type the same formula =match(CF1,B10:B1008,0)
then again =match(CF1,C10:C1008,0)
Is there anyway to search all columns =match(CF1,A10:CC1008,0) ??????
This formula doesn't work when I type it in.

I have tried shift control enter for an array and still no go.
I have tried vlookup
I have tried Index
I have tried Iferror
I have tried isna
Oh sweet baby jesus!
Please HELP!