Hi all, I知 new to this site so apologies if I知 posting in the wrong place.

I have set up a work book in 2010 excel to use as a drawing register. I have multiple tabs each relating to a different set of information. On each tab I am pulling data from a different table on a SQL server.

I have set the document to check the SQL tables for new data and update my work book each time the document is opened. This is to keep it up to date

My problem is that each time the document is opened the column widths change from the size I have defined. (Using the right click column size)

Is there a way to lock down the width of the columns, but still allow the work document to search and update from the SQL ?

I have tried to use the protect workbook / structure but this locked the work book down and came up with a read-only/cannot update message when opening

I have also tried to protect each sheet (Tab) but this had the same effect

Any help greatly appreciated