The issue involves how Excel is distorting images when placed in a sheet.
I won't bore you with all the details on the exact graphics I made, but if you want to duplicate this problem, simply create a graphic in Photoshop or someplace, and have a border on your graphic, used a grid pattern for testing if you can. Make the graphic something like 5"x5" at 600DPI, or any square or rectangle size that should fit in a 8.5x11 sheet in Excel.
The graphic I NEED to use happens to be 7.45" x 9.605" and is 4470x5763 pixels in size. This file was created in Photoshop and I export it as a TIFF.
First thing to note is that in Excel, my page properties say that it will print at 600dpi, so that's why I'm working with that in Photoshop. Note that I've tried to use 200dpi, and even lower as well, it happens at any dpi.
Next, insert the graphic into Excel, I've done this three different ways for testing, and I have the problem in all cases. I've used Insert-Picture. I've inserted the picture into the header (which is what I need to do), and I've also set the image as the sheet background.
Here is the problem. You would THINK that because my graphic is 7.45x9.605, it would fit on a 8.5x11 sheet in Excel? It doesn't, the left and right part of the graphic are completely off page, and the top and bottom are are nearly squished to the far edges. This I don't understand, my graphic is smaller than 8.5x11 so why wouldn't it fit inside a page? Excel is widening it to a second page! My math may be weird, but 7.45" should fit on a sheet 8.5" wide and not need two pages right?
To try and fix this, I played with margins and the ONLY way to see my graphic on a single sheet is to set all margins to ZERO! And even then, there is almost no room top to bottom, and the left and right sides are also wider, and if I try to print, it gets cropped.
The question is, I KNOW my graphic is 7.45x9.605. And I KNOW that an Excel sheet is 8.5x11. And I KNOW my graphic is not being distorted, because in the image properties, scale is 100% and everything is original size. I KNOW my Photoshop document was 600dpi, and I KNOW Excel Page property says 600dpi. I KNOW that if I print my border from Word, or from the exported PDF, or from the Photoshop document, or the TIFF export, they ALL come out identical in size, but only if I place the image in Excel I cannot get it to size right no matter what I do.
I have spent hours and hours researching and checking every option I can find and nothing makes a difference, Excel just will not display the image at the correct size.
I've tried images at 4"x4", 5"x5", 7.5"x9.5" and all of them distort and come out different sizes. I've tried different DPIs, I've tried JPG as well as TIFF. I've done everything I can and Excel simply will NOT print or show the images correctly!
Here are two screen shots of one test. This one is a view of my sheet, I have TWO grids on the sheet, a black grid inserted into the header, and a red grid inserted as a picture, they are both 4"x4" images and you can see here they overlay perfectly, you only see the red grid, not the black one.
In this shot, I simply enter print preview, now for no apparent reason, the red grid moves, and the black grid expands in width and they aren't lined up any more.
Here is another test. on my 5"x5" image, when I print it, instead of being 5" wide, it is 5 and 5/16ths wide. And instead of 5" tall, it is 4 and 13/16ths! So here it gets wider, then shrinks in height! No rhyme or reason!
On the image I am really needing, I tested a graphic 7.5x9.5 inches and on that one, I get 9/16ths wider and 5/16ths smaller height.
It is very important that my images maintain the correct size. Excel becomes rather useless for my needs if I can't put an accurate image in it! Surely something is wrong on my end? I would love if some of you test and print an image and measure it to see if it comes out right, or can tell me why mine are distorting in size. Here is a 5"x5" grid you can test with:
I have a LOT of work to do and cannot continue until I figure out why images don't print at the right size and are being resized even when the properties show no changes to proportion or size.
Thanks a TON for any suggestions!