Hello there! I am new to the forum so please forgive me if I am repeating a question. I tried to find something similar, but could not find the answer I needed.

I have a cell with several values; however, Excel seems to only "see" the first item. I have tried to use Text to Columns with no success. I have tried copying and pasting the cell in a variety of formats with still no luck. I think a macro may work, but I am not skilled enough to know what to do. Here is an example of the cell data:


In this case, the first item is PRT-BNS-SVR-01/p;2. I need separations between the / the ; and between each item. I am not sure where the quotes come from, as this only happens when I copy and paste to text. I can not see them in Excel. When I use Text to Columns, the first material will separate, but it's like the others so not exist.

Thank you so very much for your assistance!