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Beerfest Bracket Creation

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    Beerfest Bracket Creation

    Hi all, first time poster here. I'm creating a 32-team, double elimination bracket for an upcoming beer games competition, Beerfest. I have been able to create all my data-validation drop down lists, auto-populate the losers bracket (where necessary), and a little conditional formatting for Team USA (my team). I have a few questions that I can't seem to find any answer on now matter how much I search.

    1) When I select the winner of each game in the winners bracket, it populates the cell, no issue here. However, If I were to change an outcome of a previous game, only that cell changes. Is there a way to have future games go blank if a previous outcome has been changed?
    For example, say Team USA gets to the third round, but it turns out that Colonial America actually beat them in Flip Cup, is there a way to get rid of the populated cell that falls under Beer Pong? It still remains USA. Sidenote: If i go to the drop-down it will show Colonial America or Confederacy as it should. This is not a huge issue, but was wondering if there was a way to clear out cells if a previous game was changed.

    2) I have downloaded the flag for each team and would like to have the flag act as the background for each team in their respective cell. Is there a way to do some sort of conditional formatting to make this happen? As of now I just have some conditional formatting with country colors (i.e. is red to blue fade with white font for Team USA).

    I am open to any and all ideas to improve the bracket. I am not as gifted with VBA but I am pretty swift with other programming languages so it's nothing beyond my grasp. Is there a way to make each cell/team "click-able" to advance them to the next round? More clearly, by double-clicking on Team USA would advance them to the next round.

    Thank you all very much!
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    Last edited by mattUSA; 03-17-2013 at 04:01 PM.

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