
My company has around 300 SKU's(types of products), and about 60 customers(think wallmart/tesco). When we do a sales forecast each month, each sales person puts their forecast into a file which has all 300 SKU's and then the 60 files are rolled in one superduper "master" forecast file.

Now the problem lies when adding or removing SKU's. This has to be done manually on 1 sheet than a macro is written to copy the file and it has to be run on all 60 god **** files.

I would like to have a master file with a template with all 300 SKU's on it, with the other 60 files linking to this master file. This means a change made on the main file would be replicated automatically on all 60 files.


SKU's are grouped by brands, so sometimes a new sku will be added in the middle of the spreadsheet and not the bottom. This will cause problems as a row will need to be inserted in all 60 sheets. This is something I want to avoid. Any work around ?

Would Microsoft Access help with this at all ?
