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How to sort out values and its doubles from a table

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    How to sort out values and its doubles from a table

    Hi, I'm currently trying to sort a ranking of statements based on importance (number from 1-10), and automatically generate bar charts from the results.

    With the help of =LARGE() I order the importance of the questions. And with the help =HLOOKUP() I match the importance to the corresponding statement.

    So now I have an automatically created table with Rank: 1-10 and corresponding statements with importance. Basically the table rows show:

    Row 1: [Rank: 1⎜Question with highest importance⎜Highest value of importance]
    Row 2: [Rank: 2⎜Question with second highest importance⎜Second highest value of importance]
    And so on...

    Bar charts are automatically generated from each row in the table, with the titles "Number 1 ranked statement", "Number 2 ranked statement" and so on.

    Now we come to the problem. This solution can't handle if two or more questions get the same value of importance. Lets say question 3, 4 and 5 get an importance value of 6.78, and lets say this importance value of 6.78 happens to be the highest value. Then question 3, 4 and 5 will be ordered in descending rank 1-3, which will automatically place question 4 in the bar chart called "Number 2 ranked statement", and question 5 in bar chart called "Number 3 ranked statement", which is wrong since they all should be ranked as number 1.

    So how can I solve this? An idea I have is to somehow sort out the highest importance value, including its doubles, and place them in a separate table, then create bar charts from that table. Then do the same with the second highest importance value, and so on. But I don't know how to do it?

    I have attached the .xls file for you to see. There is a bit more going on there than described in this post, but you can disregard those parts. Focus on the right part of the document, with importance. And focus on how to pick out values and their doubles in descending order.

    Maybe you guys have a smarter solution for automatically sorting out the highest value and its doubles and automatically create charts from this. Then do the same with the second highest value and its doubles...and so on...?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards.
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