I'm trying to make two identical worksheets in a workbook. I would like the second sheet reflect all the changes made in the first one. I thought I would simply use = but it doesn't work correctly if I add or delete rows. If I add a row between row 1 and 2 in the first sheet the formula in row 2 in the second worksheet changes from =sheet1!A2 to =sheet1!A3. The result is the same if I use absolute references which suprised me. I want the formula in row 2 to stay =sheet1!A2 whatever happens on the first sheet.

I don't care about formatting, just data are important.

The reason I want the same data on two worksheets is that the second sheet will contain some more data that should not be visible to everyone. I want to protect the second worksheet and require a password to unhide it.

I would be very thankful if someone had a solution to this problem.