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Select & Display editable table via dropdown box

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    Select & Display editable table via dropdown box


    I have a spreadsheet that has a vast number of different tables of sales data for different seasons (theatre company)
    Personally, I would prefer just having one huge table for all data and just use filters/lookup functions to find any data I need.

    However, the main user of the spreadsheet is not well versed in excel and prefers to have different seasons clearly separated, currently on an ever growing list of individual worksheets. (They used to use individual files before! Crazy!)

    Is it possible to have just 2 or 3 work sheets, with ONE main sheet where the user can select which table they want to view/add data to from a drop down box?

    For example:
    Have different tables for Year1, Year2, Year3 etc stored somewhere.
    Then have a completely blank worksheet except for 1 drop down menu. Selecting Year1 then displays the Year1 table on that blank spreadsheet and allows it to be edited from there. etc

    Preferably without using any VBA if possible, as the main user would NOT enable macros every time they open it.
    They're very stubborn. They refused to use it at all when I did not allow them to insert rows, and asked them to add data to the bottom and then sort by date instead! (when it used to be a range instead of tables)

    Thank you!
    Last edited by -AJ-; 06-16-2013 at 02:31 PM.

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