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Automating Data Population Across Multiple Sheets and Filtering Data/Automating Analysis

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    are gblests
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    Excel 2011

    Automating Data Population Across Multiple Sheets and Filtering Data/Automating Analysis

    Hello all,

    Is there a way I can make my excel file 'automated' so that:

    1/ When new rows of data are added to Sheet1, Sheet 2 automatically updates its 'tiers' data (Sheet2, yellow part and the rows of data) and Sheet 3 produces a new regression (both the values and the graph) automatically? I don't want to have to sort it by tier then copy/paste the data as there is a tonne of data and point 2 will further explain why.
    2/ If I filter Sheet1 according to country or any other filter, then Sheet 2 filters the data remaining per tier and Sheet3 produces a regression on the remaining data automatically?

    If you want you can have 3 sheets (1 per tier) for the 'calculations' part. The setup doesn't matter so long as its automated once data in Sheet 1 is filtered.

    I have attached an example in Excel - all the data is made up so feel free to use it as an example.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Instructions would be helpful too so I can do it on my own data.

    Thank you.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by lseactuary; 07-14-2013 at 09:36 AM. Reason: Admin asked me to adjust the title

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Automating Data Population Across Multiple Sheets and Filtering Data/Automating Analys

    I've managed to solve this

    I need help with something else though - shall I post a separate thread?

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator jeffreybrown's Avatar
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    Re: Automating Data Population Across Multiple Sheets and Filtering Data/Automating Analys

    Yes, if it is unrelated or even a different topic, please start a new thread.

    Also, for the benefit of those who may have been watching this thread, it would be good to share how you solved your query so others can learn.


    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.
    Regards, Jeff

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