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Issue with blank cells upon refresh

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    Issue with blank cells upon refresh

    I have a table which is linked to an SQL database and I have extended the table to include 2 columns which has some formulas that do things with that SQL data. The table refreshes the data every minute however I am finding that upon refreshing the data the formulas in those 2 additional columns I created are not updating on all the rows of the table. When a new row is added to the table upon refresh sometimes the formula isn't copying down to that cell. So what I need to do is go to a cell towards the top of the column which does have a formula and press enter and then I click the "Overwrite all cells in this column with this formula" button and then the formulas copy down all the cells again.

    I don't know what's going on as I have other tables on the sheet doing a similar operation and they appear to be fine. Do you have any idea what might be going on? Thanks so much in advance for your help!

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor codeslizer's Avatar
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    Re: Issue with blank cells upon refresh

    There can be two reasons for this in my opinion..

    1. If sheet isn't calculating. Check if calculation settings are set to automatic or simply update the sheet and press F9 to see if changes reflect. If yes, then you need to set your calculation settings in Excel to automatic or simply keep pressing F9 when done updating.
    2. The function used in the cell, if user-defined, then is not set with
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    to reflect the changes when changes are made to the cell values.

    Check these two if it doesn't help, then try having us updated with your workbook file removing the necessary sensitive data. We might be interested in looking in to the codes if there is any..
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  3. #3
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    Re: Issue with blank cells upon refresh

    Hi Codeslizer,

    Thanks for your help. Point 1 is fine it was always set to automatic. I am not sure how to implement the application volatile you mentioned. And my document doesn't contain any macros.

    Just to clarify the issue isn't with the the formulas not recalculating but rather when new rows are added to a table the formulas aren't updating to all cells in the column. When the formula is in the cell it is calculating fine. My document does contain sensitive information and I am not sure how I could modify it as you would need access to our database to be able to refresh data etc. However to explain it there are 4 columns in my table. Column 2 and 3 have the SQL data that refreshes, and columns 1 and 4 have formulas in them.

    The formula in column 1 is: =B2&COUNTIF($B$2:B2,B2)

    The formula in column 4 is:=IFERROR(LEFT([@Name],FIND(" ",[@Name],1)-1),[@Name])

    I hope this helps.

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