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How and Where do I make a super complex Table hierarchy?

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  1. #1
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    How and Where do I make a super complex Table hierarchy?

    Hi! I actually created this account solely for making this post and asking you guys something, so I hope I have my queries solved.

    Call me nuts, but I have decided to store all that I know of (academically) in a singular Table that is arranged in a hierarchy. I initially started out this plan on Microsoft Word, but it had too many limitations. For one, it had a paper size limit. And frankly speaking, Word really wasn't the ideal software for tables.
    Regardless, I created a preview of a smaller version of what this Table would look like in Word. In this, there is only the names of the disciplines and their subdisciplines. No actual content of every individual discipline yet.
    It is read from top to bottom.
    If the hierarchy nature is unclear, here is a hierarchy mindmap to clear things up.

    1. What software do you think is capable for the job? Spreadsheet software like Excel, or Database software like Access?
    2. Do you think the software you stated is capable of storing ALL information?

    I am asking only for the technical information of software and such, I do not need opinions of what ought to be in the hierarchy (like if you think Maths doesn't belongs in Philosophy).

    Thanks in advance! :)

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: How and Where do I make a super complex Table hierarchy?

    Recreating Wikipedia? No, because Wikipedia is flat.

    I'm not sure what the table format buys you, versus an equivalent indented list that could be as deep as necessary. In addition, I'm not sure what the result would encapsulate other than your view of ontology. The structure itself would be as much hindrance as help to anyone else trying to find something.

    In any case, I can't see what Excel could contribute.
    Last edited by shg; 09-18-2013 at 07:32 AM.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
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    Re: How and Where do I make a super complex Table hierarchy?

    1. Nah man, Wikipedia is a mess, with too many contributors as well as the information being stored at various pages instead of my idea of all being in one.
    2. Never mind what the result is. I just want to know how to get it done.
    3. It would not be a hindrance, one can simply Ctrl + F or if one knows the overall hierarchy, one can navigate his way through.
    4. What software, then, do you think can do the job?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: How and Where do I make a super complex Table hierarchy?

    Personally I tend to agree with shg, however you could do this in a database - not Excel. The problem is that your dataset is hierarchical - Excel is flat and cannot easily store hierarchical data. Databases can model this with with varying degrees of success, in a SQL based system you'd have a table something like this:
    ID	Name        Parent
    1	Logic	    NULL
    2	Theory	    1
    3	Applied	    1
    4	Laws	    2
    5	Types	    2
    6	Informal    5
    You'd then recurse to build your hierarchical tree - in SQL server you'd use a common table expression for this. The fact that you'd need recursion in SQL rules out Access - you'd need something with a bit more oomphf MySQL, PosgreSQL and SQL Server amongst others would suffice.

    However, you'd probably fare better with a document based database rather than SQL, something like Mongo or CouchDB that allows dynamic tree based data structures (have a look here for a Mongo example - http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/data-modeling/).

    Honestly though, I'd bet my back teeth that there's already document management software out there that already allows you to do this.

  5. #5
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    Re: How and Where do I make a super complex Table hierarchy?

    Oh! So that's the meaning of "flat"! I was wondering what shg meant. Anyway, Kyle123, thanks a lot for the information! Could you recommend a book on SQL for complete beginners like me?

  6. #6
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: How and Where do I make a super complex Table hierarchy?

    If you want software to do the job, look for Records Management Software. Here is a place to start: http://www.arma.org/ This is the international organization for Records Management. Excel isn't a very good tool to do this with though, with a small amount of records it could do the job.
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    Ron W

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