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Data Validation issue - stops on close

  1. #1
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    Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Hi all,

    I got some help with a data validation issue yesterday. See link:


    Original file that I adapted is here.


    The problem I'm having is that the data validation - which references named ranges - stops when the workbook is closed. I open the file again and the drop down lists stop working. I go back into data validation and the formulas are all still there, then the drop down boxes start working again.

    Is there any reason why this would happen? I'm trying to avoid having to go into data vaildation every time I open the workbook.

    I'm using 2010 - it's possible that the document will get used on a machine running 2007. The named ranges are all on this file.


  2. #2
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Hi again,

    Spent a few hours going through the possible reasons for the problem. It was all going along fine and I thought I was making it up until I enabled macros, then the data validation stopped working.

    I tried it on the original file in the previous post - saved as macro enabled workbook - and the data validation stopped loading automatically. Anyone know if it's possible to use macros and this type of data validation or am I doomed to one or the other?

  3. #3
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    try these suggestions out

    sounds like

    If none of the above solutions explains the missing dropdown arrows, the worksheet may be corrupted
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Are you trying to use a Data Validation list from a closed workbook? I don't think Excel would know anything about a closed file.

    If that isn't the problem then bump this post.

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  5. #5
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Thanks again humdingaling...

    I'm at work running IE which crashes everytime it needs to think about anything. I'll check the website out at home.

    I should clarify, the arrows are definately there. They just don't do anything until I click on data validation. The formula is all there. I click ok and it starts working again.

    It's pretty annoying. I don't think the file is corrupted because I've tried using this named range and DV on a few worksheets. They all failed when saved as macro enabled.

    Cheers anyway.

  6. #6
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Thanks MarvinP,

    I'm not clever enough to use a DV list from a closed file.

    Not to waste anyone's time but if you have 2 minutes....


    Save this file (presumably it works) - open file - save as macro-enabled - close file - open file

    Do the drop down arrows still work after that?

  7. #7
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    hmm i managed to replicate it
    i really stumped on this one...just feels like a straight out bug

    attached example for anything following

    B2:b32 all have DV associated but opening opening file the arrow is there but not drop down
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #8
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close


    It looks like the DV is using a type of Dynamic Named Range to determine what to show. If you go to the formula of the DV it shows a formula of:

    Does that answer the question? It looks like the formula above uses the Normal Named Range (name) to calculate what to show.

  9. #9
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    MarvinP - download the original file in post #1

    when you open that one all the DVs in column b work as intended without having to go into DV to "reactivate" the DV

    the query then is what does MACRO enabled workbook do to the file to make it stop working like the original file

  10. #10
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    There is a formula in the DV as shown in post 8.
    There are also named ranges with formulas shown in the names manager.

    I wonder if the problem might be that "Name" is a reserved word in VBA. Change the range names away from "name" and "names" and see what happens.

    I guess I trust Excel to do things correctly and try to change my thinking to match what it does. I just can't get my head around what the OP expects it to do, or not do in this thread.

  11. #11
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Hi Marvin,

    Thanks for the help.

    The formula in post 8 works when the document is a .xls file. If you save as an .xlsm file (as in post 7) the DV stops working when you open the file despite all the formulas still being there. You then have to click on Data Validation to get it to work. Something happens when the file format is changed from an .xls to a .xlsm that I just don't understand.

    I guess I could double down on the macro enable content and write a macro that automatically clicks on the data validation button on startup?
    Last edited by Homeslice01; 02-27-2014 at 01:48 AM. Reason: apologies *.xlsm*

  12. #12
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    That makes a lot more sense now that you say it is an .xls vs .xlsm type problem. .xlsm are a lot more secure and ask to run a macro while the older .xls could have viruses that ran automatically.
    http://www.differencebetween.net/tec...-xls-and-xlsx/ gets close to this problem but not enough detail..
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...ffice.12).aspx is closer to a better answer... Read down to section of "Macro-Enabled Files vs. Macro-Free Files"

  13. #13
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    the fault replicates when saving as XLSX as well ,so its not just XLSM

    im stumped, sorry homeslice
    yes you can create macro to run DV on opening
    you just need to place it in Workbook_Open

    it does work i just tried it on the sample file
    Last edited by humdingaling; 02-27-2014 at 02:30 AM.

  14. #14
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Yes it does seem like I lucked out here.

    I must say it's amazing that a bunch of strangers would put in the time to help me out. You guys are awesome!

    Humdingaling, I'm pretty rubbish at writing macros too. If you could swing me the solution, I'd be grateful.


  15. #15
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    sorry back from holidays

    attached is example of how to "automatically" apply DV on workbook opening

    the code i got just from recording the application of DV and amending slightly
    may not be the most optimised but it will work
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  16. #16
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    Hiya Humdinaling,

    Hope your holiday was great. I thought you'd forgotten this and only checked the thread by chance.

    Just updated the security settings and this works fine. Thanks. You're a champ.

  17. #17
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    Re: Data Validation issue - stops on close

    not a problem, i usually stay subscribed to threads for quite sometime

    glad it works for you
    if the problem has been solved please closed the thread by marking it solved


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