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circular referenceing and formulas

  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    Angry circular referenceing and formulas

    so i have to calculate the maximum velocity and object can reach from a rolling start before having to brake to a given speed (for example to enter a corner)

    i have


    A1 = S_r (distance remaining) =225 .... this is given and can not be changed
    A2 = U (initial velocity) =52.8 .... this is given and can not be changed
    A3 = V (final velocity) ? ..... this must be found and must equal B2
    A4 = a (acceleration) =9.73 .....this is given and cannot be changed

    A6 = S_c (distance covered) = =(A3^2-A2^2)/(2*A4) .........requires V to calculate
    A7 = t (time taken) = =(A3-A2)/(A4) ...... requires v to calculate


    B1 = S_r (distance remaining) = =A1-A6 .......... requires A1 to calculate but must equal B6
    B2 = U (initial velocity) = =A3 ......... must be the same as A3
    B3 = V (final velocity) = 10 ..........this is given and can not change
    B4 = a (acceleration) =-11.98

    B6 = S_c (distance covered) =(A3^2-A2^2)/(2*A4) ........ must equal B1 requires B2 to calculate
    B7 = t (time taken) = =(A3-A2)/(A4) ........ requires B2 to calculate

    my current method is just change A3 manually until i get B2 and B6 as close to equal as i can using 2 decimal places but this is time consuming in accurate and ruins the efficiency of my worksheet

    if somebody could please aid me in resolving this i would extremely grateful, i have iterative calculation turned on but am not sure what functions i need to enter to get this to work, or is someone out there know an equation to calculate this you would truly make my day

    a great big thanks in advance for your time and efforts

  2. #2
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    Re: circular referenceing and formulas

    I'm having a hard time following your math, but it sounds like some kind of "solve a system of equations" or "find the root of this equation" kind of problem.

    How would you describe your algorithm when you do it manually? Do you use a kind of "bisection" algorithm? What cell (or cells) are you watching as you change A3?

    There is the Goal Seek/Solver utility that can find roots of equations or solve systems of equations if the spreadsheet is set up correctly.

    Have you explored the algebra involved to see if you can explicitly solve the other equations for A3 and, thus, input a simple function in A3 to get x in terms of the other values?
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: circular referenceing and formulas

    Why don't you use Goal Seek? In a new cell (let's use C2), calculate the difference between B2 and B6. Then use Goal Seek using the following:
    Set cell: C2
    To value: 0
    By changing cell: a3
    Goal Seek can be found: Data, What-If Analysis, Goal Seek

  4. #4
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    Re: circular referenceing and formulas

    hi Mrshorty, yes i have tried finding a mathmatical solution to enter a simple function but with no luck

    and i am not familiar with the goal seek funcction but i am giving it a go now to see if i can figure it out


  5. #5
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    Re: circular referenceing and formulas

    hi again

    goal seek is AMAZING thank you ever so much for your help guys, especially you gotchuck that method was very concise and accurate



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