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what is function vs. formula?

  1. #1

    what is function vs. formula?

    my question is what is function vs. formula?
    I need to know so that I can study for finals. I'm trying to get as much
    information as I can on the subject so that I may possibly get a good grade

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    Re: what is function vs. formula?

    This is my interpretation of the difference.

    In Excel, there are a number of functions such as SUM, VLOOKUP, COUNT, IF, etc and can be used like this =IF(A2="1","On","Off").

    A Formula, in my opinion, can be anywhere from 1 to many functions put together. For example =IF(ISERROR(A1/B1),0,A1/B1). This example uses two functions (IF & ISERROR) to do a simple division check so an error isn't returned.

    I could be wrong on this but that is how I use the two terms.


  3. #3
    Gord Dibben

    Re: what is function vs. formula?


    Formulas can use Functions or not.

    Functions have to be used in formula mode.

    This is a formula =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7

    This is a formula with a Function in use =SUM(A1:A7) which saves you a lot of

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 15:17:03 -0800, "francine"
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >my question is what is function vs. formula?
    >I need to know so that I can study for finals. I'm trying to get as much
    >information as I can on the subject so that I may possibly get a good grade

  4. #4
    Rob van Gelder

    Re: what is function vs. formula?

    A formula contains one or more operators.
    eg. 1+1 (the + is the operator)

    A function returns one value
    =SUM(1, 2, 3, 4)

    Rob van Gelder - http://www.vangelder.co.nz/excel

    "francine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > my question is what is function vs. formula?
    > I need to know so that I can study for finals. I'm trying to get as much
    > information as I can on the subject so that I may possibly get a good
    > grade

  5. #5
    Gord Dibben

    Re: what is function vs. formula?

    The statement below is not entirely true.

    Actually, Functions do not have to be used only in Formulas.

    A Function can be called by VBA code also.

    A couple of examples.........one with a User Defined Function...........

    Sub foo()
    MsgBox "The row height is " & rowht(ActiveCell)
    End Sub

    Function rowht(x)
    rowht = x.RowHeight
    End Function

    One using an Excel Function............

    Sub foo2()
    MsgBox "The Total is " & Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("A1:A32"))
    End Sub

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 18:35:09 -0800, Gord Dibben <gorddibbATshawDOTca> wrote:

    >Formulas can use Functions or not.
    >Functions have to be used in formula mode.
    >This is a formula =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7
    >This is a formula with a Function in use =SUM(A1:A7) which saves you a lot of
    >Gord Dibben Excel MVP
    >On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 15:17:03 -0800, "francine"
    ><[email protected]> wrote:
    >>my question is what is function vs. formula?
    >>I need to know so that I can study for finals. I'm trying to get as much
    >>information as I can on the subject so that I may possibly get a good grade

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