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Making an alphabetical list that fits on one page.

  1. #1

    Making an alphabetical list that fits on one page.


    I know how to arrange a column of cells into alphabetical order when
    producing a list. However, how can I fit the list across columns so that it
    fits on one printable page?

    At the moment, I cut the parts of the list that enters onto the next pages
    and fit them into the next column. The trouble is that when making new
    entries I have to make sure that the list is put back into one column again
    so that it will automatically sort them alphabetically. This is a pain!
    There must be an easier way.

    Thanks for your attention and any advice you can give me.


  2. #2
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Making an alphabetical list that fits on one page.


    How long is your list(how many rows)?

    How do you want them laid out on the printed pages?

    Snaked like 1-50 in column A and 51-100 in column B and 101 -150 in column C
    or snaked in alphabetical order down A then up to top of B then down then up
    to top of column C etc.?

    How many columns do you want to end up with?

    Which macro to post will depend upon some answers to these questions.

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On Sat, 8 Oct 2005 22:10:18 +0100, "David" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I know how to arrange a column of cells into alphabetical order when
    >producing a list. However, how can I fit the list across columns so that it
    >fits on one printable page?
    >At the moment, I cut the parts of the list that enters onto the next pages
    >and fit them into the next column. The trouble is that when making new
    >entries I have to make sure that the list is put back into one column again
    >so that it will automatically sort them alphabetically. This is a pain!
    >There must be an easier way.
    >Thanks for your attention and any advice you can give me.

  3. #3

    Re: Making an alphabetical list that fits on one page.

    Thanks for the reply,

    Basically I want to compile a list of my DVD collection. Therefore it will
    consist of one cell per DVD that will be in column A and will stretch down
    to about 300 cells.

    Obviously depending on the font size, I would like to be able to fit the
    list 4 or 5 columns across and so decreasing the stretch of 300 to just 60
    cells going down, but be able to add to the list where it will automatically
    fit the new entry in alphabetically.

    "Gord Dibben" <gorddibbATshawDOTca> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > David
    > How long is your list(how many rows)?
    > How do you want them laid out on the printed pages?
    > Snaked like 1-50 in column A and 51-100 in column B and 101 -150 in column
    > C
    > or snaked in alphabetical order down A then up to top of B then down then
    > up
    > to top of column C etc.?
    > How many columns do you want to end up with?
    > Which macro to post will depend upon some answers to these questions.
    > Gord Dibben Excel MVP
    > On Sat, 8 Oct 2005 22:10:18 +0100, "David" <[email protected]>
    > wrote:
    >>I know how to arrange a column of cells into alphabetical order when
    >>producing a list. However, how can I fit the list across columns so that
    >>fits on one printable page?
    >>At the moment, I cut the parts of the list that enters onto the next pages
    >>and fit them into the next column. The trouble is that when making new
    >>entries I have to make sure that the list is put back into one column
    >>so that it will automatically sort them alphabetically. This is a pain!
    >>There must be an easier way.
    >>Thanks for your attention and any advice you can give me.


  4. #4
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Making an alphabetical list that fits on one page.


    I would have two sheets, one for the entry and one for printing.

    After adding new entries to the original sheet, run this macro to copy the
    column to a new sheet, sort it then split into a user's choice of number of

    Public Sub SplitToCols()
    Dim NUMCOLS As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim colsize As Long
    On Error GoTo fileerror
    Sheets("Original") _ '"Original" will be your sheet name
    .Columns(1).Copy Destination:=Worksheets.Add.Range("A1")
    With Columns("A:A")
    .Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
    OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
    End With
    NUMCOLS = InputBox("Choose Final Number of Columns")
    colsize = Int((ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + _
    (NUMCOLS - 1)) / NUMCOLS)
    For i = 2 To NUMCOLS
    Cells((i - 1) * colsize + 1, 1).Resize(colsize, 1).Copy Cells(1, i)
    Next i
    Range(Cells(colsize + 1, 1), Cells(Rows.Count, 1)).Clear
    End Sub


    On Sat, 8 Oct 2005 23:05:48 +0100, "David" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Thanks for the reply,
    >Basically I want to compile a list of my DVD collection. Therefore it will
    >consist of one cell per DVD that will be in column A and will stretch down
    >to about 300 cells.
    >Obviously depending on the font size, I would like to be able to fit the
    >list 4 or 5 columns across and so decreasing the stretch of 300 to just 60
    >cells going down, but be able to add to the list where it will automatically
    >fit the new entry in alphabetically.
    >"Gord Dibben" <gorddibbATshawDOTca> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected]...
    >> David
    >> How long is your list(how many rows)?
    >> How do you want them laid out on the printed pages?
    >> Snaked like 1-50 in column A and 51-100 in column B and 101 -150 in column
    >> C
    >> or snaked in alphabetical order down A then up to top of B then down then
    >> up
    >> to top of column C etc.?
    >> How many columns do you want to end up with?
    >> Which macro to post will depend upon some answers to these questions.
    >> Gord Dibben Excel MVP
    >> On Sat, 8 Oct 2005 22:10:18 +0100, "David" <[email protected]>
    >> wrote:
    >>>I know how to arrange a column of cells into alphabetical order when
    >>>producing a list. However, how can I fit the list across columns so that
    >>>fits on one printable page?
    >>>At the moment, I cut the parts of the list that enters onto the next pages
    >>>and fit them into the next column. The trouble is that when making new
    >>>entries I have to make sure that the list is put back into one column
    >>>so that it will automatically sort them alphabetically. This is a pain!
    >>>There must be an easier way.
    >>>Thanks for your attention and any advice you can give me.



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