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Merging rows

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  1. #1
    Peter Horrocks

    Merging rows

    I have created a series of spreadsheets to help my daughter in her role as a
    part-time Avon rep. Generally, everything works fine but I am stuck in one
    particular area. Each 3 week period (campaign) her customers order roughly
    200 items. I type these into a sheet and then use the Pivot Table wizard to
    produce a summary of the item numbers and quantity of each required. The
    problem is that I can't manipulate the ouput from the Pivot Table so is
    there a different way to produce a summary? The reason I want to use the
    data is that I have another sheet with 19 columns (A is the item number and
    the rest are the 18 annual campaign numbers). I input (manually) the item
    numbers with the quantity ordered at the bottom of this master sheet, then
    sort it by item number so that I have duplicate item numbers in column A
    with quantities under various campaign numbers. I want to merge this data so
    that I only have 1 row for each item number. For example, row 1 shows item
    12345 in column A then each of the related 18 columns will have the quantity
    of item 12345 ordered for that campaign. Can anybody tell me if there is a
    way to merge the rows using code please?



  2. #2

    RE: Merging rows

    If you have the master sheet, and separate sheets for each campaign, you
    could use the SUMIF function on the master sheet to aggregate the quantity
    for each p/n for each campaign. If your input data is on a sheet named
    Campaign1, with p/n in column B and qty in column C, then on the master sheet
    in row B2, you'd enter =sumif(Campaign1!$B:$B,$A2,Campaign1!$C:$C). You'd
    just change the sheet reference to Campaign2, etc as you work across.
    Alternatively, you could continue with the pivot table, and on the master
    sheet use a vlookup to get each p/n's quantity for that campaign:
    =vlookup($A2,PivotCampaign1!$A:$B,2,false). (And in columns next to the
    pivot you could use the match function to identify new p/n's:
    =match(a2,Master!A:A,false) will return #N/A for the new items.)

    "Peter Horrocks" wrote:

    > I have created a series of spreadsheets to help my daughter in her role as a
    > part-time Avon rep. Generally, everything works fine but I am stuck in one
    > particular area. Each 3 week period (campaign) her customers order roughly
    > 200 items. I type these into a sheet and then use the Pivot Table wizard to
    > produce a summary of the item numbers and quantity of each required. The
    > problem is that I can't manipulate the ouput from the Pivot Table so is
    > there a different way to produce a summary? The reason I want to use the
    > data is that I have another sheet with 19 columns (A is the item number and
    > the rest are the 18 annual campaign numbers). I input (manually) the item
    > numbers with the quantity ordered at the bottom of this master sheet, then
    > sort it by item number so that I have duplicate item numbers in column A
    > with quantities under various campaign numbers. I want to merge this data so
    > that I only have 1 row for each item number. For example, row 1 shows item
    > 12345 in column A then each of the related 18 columns will have the quantity
    > of item 12345 ordered for that campaign. Can anybody tell me if there is a
    > way to merge the rows using code please?
    > Regards,
    > Peter

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