To begin with I apologize for the cross posting, but I am new to these
groups, and an not sure of the protocols. I am attempting to do several
things with a spreadsheet. For background info, the purpose of the
spreadsheet is to assist in the running of a PBeM version of a wargame
called Battletech. Here are the two things I need assistance for:

Drop-down Listbox within the spreadsheet.
There are 3 different arrays of data that I would like to be able to
access as a dropdown list to fill a cell. I have figured out how to do
this, on an individual basis. My question is, can the same combo box be use
multiple times, without hving to manually edit its details for each cell I
want to be filed by the same information choices (S,M, or L)? I wish to use
the same information choices 84 on different cells, across 8 worksheets,
within the same workbook, with another 178 cells having a Y(es)/N(o) option
set, and 120 cells having the choice between (W?R/J/M). Nedless to say,
manually editing almost 400 listboxes is not somehting I am going to do for
a hobby. Is there a way to copy a combo box around the worksheet and have
its cell referevce change to match the new location?

Random number generation
I was able to get a cell to generate a random number between 2 and 12
simulating the results of 2 six sided dice.using the function
ROUNDUP(RAND()*6+1)+ROUNDUP(RAND()*6+1) . Unfortunatly it creates a new
random number each time the worksheet recalculates. Ideally I would like to
be able to select a cell (or range of cells), activate a button, and have
the cells be filled with the randomly generated numbers, that are specified
in another cell's location. The filled cells would then be non-volitile. I
assume that it would be possible using VBA, but what I know about VBA would
fill a thimble, with room left over. I hope that makes sense. I am trying
to simulate dice rolls. so being able to specify # of dice, and sides of
dice being rolled is needed (probability distribution needs to be

ANY assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am at a dead end on both of
these issues. If anyolne who can help would be willing to do so via
straight email it would be best as these groups are extremely busy and
monitoring them for responses will be hard, but done. If you need
additional information, I can always email a copy of the spreadsheet(s), or
a version is available on kazaa under the filename
BattleTech - GM - Combat Tracker v1.0.xls

Thank You