Hi, I wonder if you can help me... Very simply problem. (I think)

I have two sheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2.

On Sheet1 I have:


These values go from cells A2:A6.

On Sheet2 I have:


This value is in cell E3

Now, what I'm wanting to do is multiply each of the 5 numbers on Sheet1 by the number shown on Sheet2, and then display the answer on Sheet1 next to the original number.

Like this:

1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50

I'd also like this second column of numbers to change if the value on Sheet2 is changed. So if I went to Sheet2 and changed the value in E3 to 20, Sheet1would show:

1 20
2 40
3 60
4 80
5 100

My initial thought was to use the following formula on cell B2 of Sheet1 and then drag it down to B6:

1 =A2/Sheet2!E3

When I drag it down though it automatically increments the E3 value, causing it to divide by an empty cell, (E4 downwards)The only thing I want to increment is A2, so that it will end on A6.

Is there some way of "locking" the E3 value so that it won't be incremented when I drag? Or is the formula itself wrong..

I hope I've explained this ok.
