So questions number 2! yay!

I mean, please help....

So I have a workbook with a lot of worksheet in it. They are basically like this:


i want Log's A1 to correspond with PO#1's A1 and CR#1's A1.
Then I want Log's A2 to correspond with PO#2's A1 and CR#2's A1.
Then I want Log's A3 to correspond with PO#3's A1 and CR#3's A1.

Does that make sense??

and I have up till PO#100 and CR#100, so 201 worksheets all together.

I know if I type them up one by one like

at 'Log'!A1


at 'CR#1'!A1
= 'PO#1'A1


at 'Log'!A2


at 'CR#2'!A1

but i want to know if there are any way to paste into multiple cells in different worksheet with sheet numbers incrementing by one each time, or maybe format one template to affect specific cells in worksheet?

by the way, the cell that i need the information to correspond is always A-1 on each worksheets. the incrementing number is a number in the name of worksheet (PO#1, CR#1, PO#2, CR#2..... PO#100, CR#100)

anybody has any idea??

Thank you very much in advance.