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Auto Populating a template

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Perth, Australia

    Auto Populating a template

    Hey people

    I have a workbook which I am putting together to help keep track of resaults for a wargamming get together I am Host.

    Now I have all the maths done, and even have a Vlookup table to have the modifer applied to the score, but I want to create a feedback template that I can cut and paste into an email and send to people after the fact.

    The last page is what I want it to look like, and the %things% are items I want to change.

    Ideally I would like that I select the players name from a drop down box, and the rest automatical fills itself in, and then I can just email it to the players who attended.

    I have attached my workbook...

    Thank you
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  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Re: Auto Populating a template

    Each of your variable fields in the feedback sheet seem like they can be a VLOOKUP against the value in D7 on the feedback sheet.

    For example, the formula in cell G8 would be this:

    One hiccup you will come across is the ranks- you need to have the ranking to the right of the Player name to perform a VLOOKUP. You can keep them on the left if you need, just add a column to the right that is a pure "=" to Column A.

    For example, in Cell D2 of the leader board, you would write this formula: =A2

    Hope this helps!

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Perth, Australia

    Re: Auto Populating a template

    Thank you very much for the help ... I now have the form filling itself out ...

    Is there a way I can make the name feild (D2) a drop down list ?

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Pennsylvania, USA
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2007

    Re: Auto Populating a template

    Excellent, glad to hear! I love when things are automated.
    You should be able to. I have found that Excel is funny about the drop-downs pulling from lists on other sheets, so you will have to copy the list of names to somewhere in the feedback sheet.

    At that point,
    Go to Data>Validation
    Choose "List" under "Allow"
    You'll see a field that says "Source"- click in this field, then you can highlight your list of names.
    Click OK, and you are all set.

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