Ugh, so I'm so frustrated. I'm working on a spreadsheet for a geology class, and I basically forget everything I've ever learned about using them in middle school.
What I want to happen is this: I have this formula that I put into column AF row 9: "=((C9*D9)/100)+((F9*G9)/100)+((i9*j9)/100)+((l9*m9)/100)+((o9*p9)/100)+((r9*s9)/100)+((u9*v9)/100)+((x9*y9)/100)+((aa9*ab9)/100)+((ad9*ae9)/100)" and it works perfectly! Except I don't want to have to enter it in every row, changing the 9 to 10 and then 11 and on and on.
Is there a way to say "Hey, Excel. I'd like to repeat this formula for every single row, putting the result in Column AF. And where I have 9 appearing here, please replace with the number of whatever row I am in."
Ya know? I just want to run the same formula, across every row!
Thanks in advance for the help!