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Tansfer Data from one Document to another automatically?

  1. #1
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    Tansfer Data from one Document to another automatically?

    Hey I need some help,
    I have first searched for an answer with no such luck, so yes I did use the search function but I think maybe I wasn't searching the right words

    So here it is, is there a formula that will allow me to Automatically update one document with data from another document (document as in two seperately saved files), or have a button that will transfer all the data I need in another document?

    So if you could help me that would be great.

    Also how do you make sums show nothing in the box if it is equal to 0.00 (zero)?

    Thanx for the help in advance?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert teylyn's Avatar
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    Re: Tansfer Data from one Document to another automatically?


    as per your first question, yes, but details need to be worked out based on what you need. You can link workbooks, so that one updates from values that have changed in the other, or you could create a macro to copy/paste. Get more specific with your question, then the answers will be clearer.

    WRT your second question, you can format the result so that it does not display zero values. Use the custom format


    Number Formats can have four different appearances


    If you only specify one format appearance, it will apply to all four, but if you use the semicolon, each appearance can be defined separately. Using 0;;; means that positive numbers will be displayed as integers, negative numbers, zero and text will not be displayed.


  3. #3
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    Re: Tansfer Data from one Document to another automatically?

    Hey Teylyn thank you so much to start with

    Ok so I will be more specific, I have a form with all details (name, cost, order number, address, etc. ) and I want to add it to a different workbook but to a different row each time so I can have order numbers down the side, thats why I was thinking of having a button within the form to click to add it.

    Thanks again, I appreciate the help.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Tansfer Data from one Document to another automatically?

    If you post up copies of the two workbooks, we can probably design a macro for you for this.
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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  5. #5
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    Re: Tansfer Data from one Document to another automatically?

    Here are the workbooks
    Quote is the main form, then Quote listing is where I need to update each time I have a new order.
    Thank you so much once more, the help has been great
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Tansfer Data from one Document to another automatically?

    I've separated out the Insurance companies from their addresses over in column AF:AG.

    I've added a "TRANSFERRED" field to the sheet so that you can track if the current sheet has been transferred or not.

    Just click the TRANSFER button and the macro will open the other workbook if necessary, transfer the data into the correct sheet, save the other sheet and close it if it wasn't open to begin with, then flag the current quote as "YES" in cell M6.
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    You'll need to adjust the macro to indicate the folder where the Quote Listing.xlsx is stored.
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