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Using MATCH and INDIRECT together

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  1. #1
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    Using MATCH and INDIRECT together

    What I am trying to accomplish, is to get an email address from sheet two. Sheet two changes at least every 6 weeks. I am trying to get the address of those that speak Spanish. There is a column that designates weather they speak English or Spanish. This occurs on column Q. Their email address is located in column L.

    I almost have it figured out doing this, but obviously i am doing something wrong.

    I am trying to use the indirect function like this


    =MATCH("Spanish Eld",'IMOS-RE'!INDIRECT("Q"&B2:$Q$300),0)+B2

    B2 is on Sheet1 I am trying to use one formula that I can easily drag down and it will not duplicate any of the emails that I already have.

    -Thanks for any help that you can provide.
    Last edited by WKM; 05-12-2010 at 02:52 PM. Reason: Solved

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Using MATCH and INDIRECT together

    To do what you want, I am not sure that you want the INDIRECT function.

    You want to extract all the items in column L that have "Spanish Eld" in column Q?

    if so,

    in the IMOS-RE sheet, in a new column, starting at row 2, enter

    =IF(Q2="Spanish Eld",count(X$1:X1)+1,"") where X2 is the cell you are putting this formula in.

    and copy it down.

    in another cell in another colum put =MAX(X:X) again, where X is the column you entered the previous formula...

    Now back in your results sheet, enter


    where 'IMOS-RE'!Y2 contains the MAX formula and X:X is again the column you put the counting formula in.

    Copy this formula down... you should get all items from column L that have that "Spanish Eld" string in the same row within column Q.

    Hope I guessed right. If not, please advise.
    Last edited by NBVC; 05-11-2010 at 10:03 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Using MATCH and INDIRECT together

    This does work. Thank you for your time. However if there is a way to put the three formulas into one cell that would be great.

    there was one honest mistake in the code to display the emails


    it was this


    After Some more playing around I was able to get is all on one sheet and that will do great. that you so much!!

    Here is what it looks like.


    I moved the Functions that where in IMOS-RE to the other Sheet.

    Again thank you so much
    Last edited by WKM; 05-12-2010 at 03:19 PM. Reason: forgot something

  4. #4
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Using MATCH and INDIRECT together

    There is, but it might be a resource intense formula...


    =IF(ROWS($A$1:$A1)>COUNTIF('IMOS-RE'!$Q$2:Q$1000,"Spanish Eld"),"",INDEX('IMOS-RE'!$L$2:$L$1000,SMALL(IF('IMOS-RE'!$Q$2:Q$1000="Spanish Eld",ROW('IMOS-RE'!$Q$2:Q$1000)-ROW('IMOS-RE'!$Q$2)+1),ROWS($A$1:$A1))))
    adjust ranges to suit (note: It is highly recommended that you limit the range to as small a defined range as possible...if you use whole column, you may crash).

    Then confirm the formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and not just ENTER and copy down.

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