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Return Multiple Values For a Single search

  1. #1
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    Return Multiple Values For a Single search

    Ok here is my problem in general. I have an excel Sheet with a List of sales people (12) and a list of around 1500 potential clients, we have assigned clients to salespeople, and I would now like to create a separate table for each salesperson with a list of each client pulled from the master list. I have tried using the =vlookup ut it will only return the first occurrence of the salespersons name and ignore everything thereafter.

    I found what I thought to be a solution with this:
    =INDEX('Sales'!$G$6:$G$13, SMALL(IF(A1='Sales'!$D$6:$D$13, ROW('Sales'!$D$6:$D$13)-MIN(ROW('Sales'!$D$6:$D$13))+1, ""), ROW(A1)))

    This returns the value from the second column from the master file each time it finds "Tom" (Cell A1=Tom) however the limitation of this is that I can not get it to return more than 7 occurrences, it seems to blow the list up when I increase the cell range beyond that.

    I finally got frusterated trying to make that work , so I developed a sheet where all of the salespeople are listed in the A column, Clients in the B column all starting at Row 2, and in C1 the salespersons name and in C2 writing this statement =If(A2=C1,B2)
    I have followed this format across (more salespeople) and down using $ to lock where needed and that part works fine, but now I want to return a list without all of the "#N/A", "False" and blanks left behind in the column.
    In other words I want to create a complete list from a column (about 30 names) where the column has numerous blanks, "#N/A", and "False" statements in it.

    I hope that all makes sense and someone can help. If it comes to it I can work up a "dummy" sheet of what I am trying to do and link it. But I am hoping this is a simpler problem than I am making it and someone understands it better than I.

    Thanks in advance for the help!
    Last edited by Darkonius; 06-19-2013 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Spelling

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Return Multiple Values For a Single search

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    Short answer...=iferror(If(A2=C1,B2),"")

    Long answer, upload a sample workbook for us (no sensitive info) to take a look at and see if we can offer any more suggestions?

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    Once the upload is completed the file name will appear below the input boxes in this window.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Return Multiple Values For a Single search

    Sorry I should have just done this to begin with. Attached is a "Dummy" file representing what I want to accomplish in a nutshell. On page one 'MasterList' is the data pool I want to pull from. Column C "Sales Person" is manually configured depending on who is assigned, all other data is linked forward from a database.

    Page 2 outlines how I would like the information returned. The highlighted yellow cells represent cells that I would like to fill based on criteria. The salesperson assigned and the company the Client works for.

    Hope this clears things up.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Return Multiple Values For a Single search

    While I work on this, take a look at using a Pivot Table, and see if that will get you closer to what you want.

    sales person for column labels
    company for row labels
    client for values

  5. #5
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Return Multiple Values For a Single search

    OK try this...

    in sheet1 F5, copied down...
    =C5&" "&COUNTIFS($C$5:C5,C5,$E$5:E5,E5)&" "&E5

    Then use a helper column in A, D, G etc for this...(you can format the text to white so it looks like its invisible)...

    And finally in C5, copied down and across to F, I L etc...
    =IFERROR(INDEX(MasterList!$D:$D,MATCH(B$3&" "&COUNTIF(A$5:A5,A5)&" "&A5,MasterList!$F:$F,0),1),"")

  6. #6
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    Re: Return Multiple Values For a Single search

    Quote Originally Posted by FDibbins View Post
    OK try this...

    in sheet1 F5, copied down...
    =C5&" "&COUNTIFS($C$5:C5,C5,$E$5:E5,E5)&" "&E5

    Then use a helper column in A, D, G etc for this...(you can format the text to white so it looks like its invisible)...

    And finally in C5, copied down and across to F, I L etc...
    =IFERROR(INDEX(MasterList!$D:$D,MATCH(B$3&" "&COUNTIF(A$5:A5,A5)&" "&A5,MasterList!$F:$F,0),1),"")
    Thank you!! This is exactly what I was trying to accomplish!!

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