Hey everybody!

I've been working on a problem that is driving me insane. I basically need to create a Group based on three columns (in the example, they are columns B, C, and H).

For Each Group (Group = Group Letter, Group #, and Zone combined) I need the adjusted retail to equal the recommended retail provided. No Group number that is less (in rank) than the number with the recommended retail can be higher than the recommended retail. Each item (group #) that is less (in rank) than the item (Group #) with the recommended retail must be lower by $10. Each item lower in rank in that group must then go down by $10.

Example: Filters,L,Zone 510 - Group #2 is higher than the recommended #3.

Heaters,A,Zone 512 - Group #6 is higher than recommended retail. Need it to change to $2,389.99, and then need every other item to go down by at least $10 below that (Group #5 in that group would need to change to $2,379.99). If it is already lower than it does not need to change (so Group#4 in that group would be OK).

This is about as hard to explain as it is to do.. If any of you have any macro ideas or formulas that could help, I would really appreciate it. I know the basics of writing VBA code but I am nowhere experienced enough to formulate what I need to do in my mind.

Thanks again in advance!Excel Drinking Problem Script Example.xls