Hello wold :-)
Somebody can give me an exemple of code witch I can force a macro button on an sheet ?

Some explanation:
I have a sheet with a macro-button "CALCULATE"
In the code of SUB CALCULATE I want to provide code to make visible a macro-butto with the name "NEXT CALCULATION ?" for exemple
so....this new macro button may only be visible when the first calculation is done.
(In my project the new macro-button has to come on CELL I8)

I want to add this information.(also code on this sheet )
In my code I provided some code to give a "new name" to created sheet . (exemple: Calculation1...calculation 2 .....)
Maybe we can work with this information ??
In the workbook I hav 1 sheet visisble ans 6 sheets invisible and protected. So......the startnumber = 7 sheets

Dim sht As Worksheet, nsht As Worksheet
Dim nm As String, num1 As Integer, num2 As Integer
Dim tmp As Variant

For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If Left(sht.Name, 8) = "Voorstel" Then
tmp = Split(sht.Name)
num1 = tmp(UBound(tmp))
If num1 > num2 Then num2 = num1
End If
Next sht
nm = "Calculation " & (num2 + 1)
Sheets("Calculate").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = nm

I'm looking to your suggestions....
Thanks a lot