Hello all!

I've recently had to start creating macros to automate some of the processes as my job. The current project that I am working on involves logging into a secure website, SalesForce, and direct downloading a report in CSV format.

The current code that I have works great for logging into the site and grabbing the downloaded file, but the problem is there is a "Windows Internet Explorer" download dialog box with the buttons: Open, Save, Save as.

I really would love to automate the click of the "Open" option, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I've had no luck finding any examples that would explain the process to me, hence why I'm asking for help here.

I currently have no code for this part of the process and would really love some guidance. I will be happy to post my code, but it won't do much good if you can't log-into the site.

Thanks so much for taking the time, in advance!

Below is an image of what I am trying to automate.
