I have a similar problem to that solved on this thread

The macro used on the other thread works just as I want it to, however it is torture watching it go through cell by cell, and takes forever to process and complete.

My list of data is much larger than a 3x3 table, so I need something that does the same thing, but works a lot faster.
I've attached a file with an example of how my table currently looks, and how I need my list to look. I'm not bothered what sort order the list is in - whether by engineer name/time/postcode. However I would like to be able to filter the heardings so I can re-order as I need.

I also have a second file that calculates distance and driving time between two postcodes (enter in columns A & B, and run 'Get Distances' macro).

If possible, I would like all of this adding into one macro.

table to list.xlsx - Table to list
Postcode Distances.xlsm - Postcode Distance Finder

Thanks in advance.