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Using form checkbox responses to determine which worksheets to show/hide

  1. #1
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    Using form checkbox responses to determine which worksheets to show/hide

    Hi all,

    I'm a relative beginner at vba and just can't figure out why my code isn't working. I have three cells (E15, B15, & A15 in order of importance) that are tied to three check boxes (form control). When the box is checked, the cell says "True", when unchecked it says "False". There's no formulas in the cells, it's simply the Format Control - Cell Link option that says true or false.

    When E15 or B15 show True, I want OutriggersLG sheet to be visible and OutriggersSM sheet to be hidden.
    When A15 shows True, I want OutriggersSM sheet to be visible and OutriggersLG sheet to be hidden.
    If none show True, then I want both sheets visible.

    Here's my current code:
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    What's wrong??? I'm going nuts...

  2. #2
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    Re: Using form checkbox responses to determine which worksheets to show/hide

    Clicking your checkboxes isn't going to trigger a worksheet_change event. Did you try assigning your code to them directly as a subroutine?

  3. #3
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    Re: Using form checkbox responses to determine which worksheets to show/hide

    Try this:

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  4. #4
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    Re: Using form checkbox responses to determine which worksheets to show/hide

    Stnkynts, I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean by a subroutine. Right now, this is how the cell is changed:

    Joakim, unfortunately the code you provided doesn't work either. I had something similar to that in an earlier trial too...

    I'm thinking another solution might be to do a Sub CheckBox09_Click() for each of the three boxes, but I need two of them (E15 & B15) to overwrite A15 even if if A15 is clicked last. So there's priority I don't know how to deal with using checkbox_click...

    Spreadsheet attached if that helps at all.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Using form checkbox responses to determine which worksheets to show/hide

    I will try to explain what to do:

    1. Under the visual basic editor you have an empty module 1. Select it and paste this code there:
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    2. On your main worksheet right click the "COS" checkbox and select Assign Macro. Assign the new Macro Hide_Sheet_byCheckboxes.
    3. Repeat step 2 for the Non-COS and the COS Homecare checkboxes.
    4. Enjoy

  6. #6
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    Re: Using form checkbox responses to determine which worksheets to show/hide

    stnkynts, you are my HERO. Worked like a gem, except the true/false are backwards so the wrong sheet gets hidden - I can fix that easily. Thank you so very much, especially for explaining it so clearly!!!

    Love having you guys available for help...

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