I've been thinking of ways to simplify this issue to avoid complex code, and perhaps this idea might make sense. Let's assume this code is still in place:
If the value in cell A2 is removed in "Input Sheet", then the content in cells D2, E2, F2 in "Sheet1" will obviously still remain. However, what if a code was written on WorkbookOpen() to search for cells that contain text in D2:F21 in "Sheet1", and simply click & press enter on those cells so that the contents will delete itself when it realizes that its corresponding cell in column B = "".
I should point out that 99% of the time there will be only 1-5 rows that will contain text in columns D, E, F. It would be very uncommon for many fields to be filled at one time. Hopefully this would mean the code would not take much time to run.
stnkynts, does this seem like a viable solution to you? Or am I oversimplifying a more complex issue? Thanks for your input.