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Form Controls

  1. #1
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    Form Controls


    I was using option buttons for form controls and I noticed I was running into an issue: I have 6 buttons and I want to set it so only one button can be selected; however, I notice that there are often two buttons that can be selected when I tested them. How can I set them so only 1 can be selected? I deleted them and re-added them and still run into the same problem. what am I doing wrong?


  2. #2
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    Re: Form Controls

    Hi J-Ry,

    Try putting the option buttons inside a 'Group Box'.

    If that works then do the following to hide the group box (permanent fix - needs to be done one time only):
    a. Press Allt-F11 to get to the VBE.
    b. Press Ctrl-g to see the immediate window.
    c. Type in the following in the immediate window (or cut and paste from here) and Press 'Enter':
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    d. Save the workbook.


  3. #3
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    Re: Form Controls

    Thanks! I actually did have the buttons in a group box. I was going to copy them into a new worksheet to take a screen cap and when I pasted them they worked as did the original buttons I copied. I find it odd that they worked after copying/pasting but I'm still not sure why they didn't work in the first place. Does the group box define them as supposed to work so only one can be selected, despite the number of buttons created?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Form Controls

    Does the group box define them as supposed to work so only one can be selected, despite the number of buttons created?
    Yes, to the best of my knowledge. I created 10 Option Buttons (Forms Controls) and grouped them into sets of 2, 2, and 6. In each group only 1 Option Button was allowed to be activated at a time.


  5. #5
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    Re: Form Controls

    Thanks. Maybe it was a glitch I encountered and copying/pasting reset the parameters so only one would operate.

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