Dear All,
while creating my macro, small push is needed. I have these - to select range.

   Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
   Range(ActiveCell, "B506").Select
In this range, I need to delete whole rows. On keyboard, Shift + spacebar and ctrl + minus.
How can I do the same in macro?

Task no. 2:
As you can see, I would like to delete it from first empty cell in B column, to B506 - in my template, here another part starts.
I need to delete afterwards part from first empty cells bellow B507 to B600. But - obviously, B600 will become sth else if I delete it. Any idea how to find it?

(in other words - I need to delete empty rows in sheet "rozpad" and its position should vary. I need last row in each selection will rest, for better visual view.
Rozpad - automat PV.xlsm)